Nurturing New Beginnings for Women

The Need

  • There are many women and children in Jacksonville living in poverty without food, without hope, and without a safe place to lay their head at night.
  • 84% of Homeless Families are Headed by Single Mothers.
  • AARP reports that the Number of Unhoused People 65 and Older will Triple by 2030.


Tandem Journey exists to provide Shelter, Support, and Hope for Women and Children in Jacksonville.

Each house will include 3 bedrooms and 1-2 bathrooms

The houses will be provided for a young mom, her children and a senior woman.

We will provide community, supportive services, and food/diaper/clothing closet.


  • Safe place and community to live.
  • Ability to complete educational path.
  • Money to buy vehicles and their own future safe home.
  • Young mothers gain wisdom and benefit from the senior’s life experiences.
  • Seniors learn they are much needed, valued, and loved.

Impacting 3 generations in 1 home causes a ripple effect that will change generations to come.


Tandem Journey is a non-profit supported by a community of generous champions who are passionate about supporting women and children in vulnerable situations.

We welcome people to give of their time and expertise in service of these women and children.

We welcome your prayers. Sign up to join the prayer team or to receive prayer requests.